- Adopted March, 1982; Revised through Jan. 23, 1988
Jan. 25, 1997
Dec. 14, 2001
Dec. 12, 2003
Dec. 10, 2004
Nov. 30, 2005
Nov. 29, 2007
Dec. 1, 2008
- Section 1. This organization is named: Korean Division of the International Association for
Dental Research.
Section 2. The head-quarters of this Division shall be placed in Seoul, Korea.
Section 3. This Division has been established to promote research in all aspects of dental and related sciences, to encourage development of improved methods
for prevention and treatment of oral and dental diseases, to facilitate cooperation among investigators and communication of research findings
and to co-operate the activity of IADR.
- Section 4. In order to achieve the objectives of section 3, this Division shall have the following work to do.
Part 1. Work to promote the advancement of research on dental science.
Part 2. Work to co-operate the activity of IADR.
Part 3. Work about international communication of research findings and their implications.
Part 4. Work to publish periodic reports.
Part 5. Additional work decided in the officers' meeting to achieve the purpose of this
- Section 5. Members of this Division is classified by active member, honorary member, life member and student member.
Section 6. Active member is the person who qualified by a Doctor of Dental Surgery or individual who is interested in dental research, having a qualification of IADR
with a nomination by two active members.
Section 7. Honorary member is the person who contributes greatly to the advancement of dental research and nominated by the officers' meeting.
Section 8. Life member is an active member of this organization, who is over 65 years of age.
Section 9. Student member is the person who is a full-time undergraduate student or postgraduate student with a concern in dental research and nominated by two
active members.
- Section 10. Active member shall have a right to vote, electoral eligibility and to decide.
Section 11. Member follows the constitution and the decision of this Division and pays the dues of entrance, and annual dues of Division and IADR.
Section 12. Membership shall be terminated when member loses the quality of membership and fails to pay his annual dues to the Division.
Section 13. Membership shall be restored by paying complete dues to the Division.
- Section 14. The officers of the division shall be:
Part 1. A President
Part 2. An Immediate past president
Part 3. A President-elect
Part 4. A Vice president
Part 5. A number of Standing officers (including Secretary, Treasurer, Science, Information)
Part 6. A number of Standing councilors
Part 7. Two Auditors
Section 15. The management of this Division shall be decided by the officers' committee consisted of president, immediate past president, president-elect, vice
president, standing officers and standing councilors. President generalizes the business of this Division, and becomes the chairman of officers
committee. President-elect assists President, and becomes the President in the absence of present President.
Section 16. Term of officers shall be one year. President shall not be elected twice.
Section 17. President shall be succeeded by the President-elect. President-elect and Vice president shall be elected by free voting at the annual meeting after
nomination by the nomination committee.
Section 18. Auditors shall be elected at the general session and standing officers and standing
councilors shall be nominated by the President.
- .
- Section 19. This Division shall conduct a general session annually and extraordinary general session shall be held by the decision of officers if necessary.
Section 20. Annual and extraordinary general session shall be convened by the President as the chairman.
Section 21. General session shall be held during the annual scientific session. Reports of the business, discussion on financial report and budget, revision of
constitution, election of officers and other matters shall be done at the general session.
Section 22. The resolution of general session shall be granted at least half of total members.
Revision of bylaws shall be granted by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members.
- Section 23.
- Part 1. They are standing scientific committee, organizing committee and nominating committee.
Part 2. Special committee shall be established after the approval of the general assembly, if necessary.
Section 24. President-elect, the scientific officer and progressing officer are nominated by the president. Nominating committee includes President, President-elect
and Past Presidents.
Section 25. The duties of each committee are as follows;
Part 1. Scientific committee: Preside over the annual scientific session and scientific officer shall be the chairman.
Part 2. Progressing committee: Preside over the progression of annual scientific session and secretary shall be the chairman.
Part 3. Nominating committee: Preside over the nomination of President-elect and Vice president. President shall be the chairman.
- Section 26. This Division shall have research groups to promote each research part of dental sciences.
Section 27. Research groups shall be established such as those in the IADR and they shall be founded by the approval of officers with suggestion from over 10
active members.
- Section 28. The finances of this Division shall be fulfilled by annual dues, subsidy and contribution.
Section 29. Dues for active members and student members shall be paid annually and the amount of the annual dues of the Division shall be determined at the
officers' committee meeting and confirmed at the general session.
Section 30. Annual dues shall be waved off for honorary members and life members.
- Section 31. Matters that are not expressed in this constitution shall be followed by the custom